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Projekt 365. | Project 365.

“You find freedom inside – nowhere else.
In the heart of every human being is
that one space which is free,
which is filled with Peace,
and which is full of Love.”


Deževen dan. Phoebe spi na mojih nogah, medtem ko jaz urejam fotografije. Free spi na hrbtu, z vsemi 4 tacami v zraku. V ozadju mi igrajo Aerosmith in dan je preprosto popoln. Čutim da prihaja pomlad. Voham jo. Vidim, kako se prebuja narava. Na jutranjem sprehodu sem opazovala mačice, ki že kukajo na plano in prinašajo pomlad!  :)  Najlepši občutek!

…nadaljevanje mojih fotk projekta 365.


Rainy day. Phoebe is sleeping on my legs while I am editing photos. Free sleeping on her back, with all 4 legs in the air. In background I listen Aerosmith and the day is simply perfect. I feel the spring coming. I smell it. And I see the nature waking up. On morning walk I was watching goat willows, which are already peeking out and bringing spring.  :)   The best feeling!

…more photos of my project 365.


| 06.03.2013 |

| 07.03.2013 |

| 08.03.2013 |

| 09.03.2013 |

| 10.03.2013 |

| 11.03.2013 |

| 12.03.2013 |

| 13.03.2013 |

| 14.03.2013 |

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