“You find freedom inside – nowhere else. In the heart of every human being is that one space which is free, which is filled with Peace, and which is full of Love.” ♥ Deževen dan. Phoebe spi na mojih nogah, medtem ko jaz urejam fotografije. Free spi na hrbtu, z vsemi 4 tacami v […]
Tag Archives: fotografinja
Glasujte za vašo najljubšo fotografijo – tema je tokrat seveda zima in psi v akciji! Upam da uživate v snegu in da vas spodnje fotografije vsaj malo nasmejejo. :) |english| Vote for your favourite photo – this time theme is winter and dog in action! I hope you enjoy the snow and that this photos […]
Popoln začetek tedna. Popoln začetek poročnega dne. In popoln začetek dveh poti, ki sta se združili v ENO. |english| Perfect start of a week. Perfect start of a wedding day. And perfect start of two paths, which now become ONE. “Love is knowing you will spend every day, of every week, of every month, of […]