Tag Archives: free


“She’s a dreamer, a soul searcher and a wanderer. She drifts along, deep in thought her mind craving exploration and her eyes telling tales of mysterious adventures.” When I was young my parents took me and my sisters to a flower park. But it’s not the park, nor the flowers I remember. The only thing […]

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The journey

Sometimes the most important thing we can do is to take that step, to begin our journey, to just do it. The journey awakens the soul.  |  Mark Nepo Lately I am thinking a lot about my life. My journey. And I really have a feeling I am ready to take the new big step. […]

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Velika planina.

“Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?”   Sestra si je zaželela obiskati Veliko planino. Preživeli sva super dan. In uživali v prečudoviti naravi. S pasjimi kosmatinci. Čas, ko pozabiš na skrbi. Čas za tavanje. In čas za srečo. Imejte lep dan, | english | My little sister had wish to […]

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Happy 2014*

Vedno sem svoja čustva najbolje izražala preko fotografije.  Vendar zadnji mesec, v mesecu decembru, ki je preprosto nabit s čustvi, veliko premišljujem o sebi, o moji poti, o vsem kar se mi je zgodilo v letu, ki odhaja. Ob koncu leta, je čas za pogled nazaj, hkrati pa tudi čas za pogled naprej, in predvsem […]

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Mir. | Peace.

“Peace comes from within.  Do not seek it without.” ― Gautama Buddha Dan ko se preprosto izgubiš v lepotah gozda, ko se pelješ iz sestanka za fotografiranje… Ko ustaviš avto sredi ničesar, se sprehodiš po gozdu, poslušaš ptičje petje, žuborenje potočka, vohaš čemaž, čutiš vsak dih in zrak, ki ga vdihavaš. Ko se zaveš, da […]

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