“We wander and think no one will ever find us. And lifting our sorry head, we are next to each other.” “We imagine that so many conditions are prerequisite to finding love, when all that is required is that, like a man stepping from a boat to a dock, we step over the small gap […]
Tag Archives: fotografija | photography
“Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah they were all yellow…” Ko dobim tako sporočilo, ki mi polepša dan… takrat se zavem, da delam tisto pravo. S srcem in ljubeznijo. In vesela sem, da to čutite. Hvaležna. “Maja jokam. :) Vse razumem, da smo nosečke čustvene, ampak […]
“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.” We first met 3 years ago, in 2013 on their engagement and wedding photo session… and I was really looking to meet again this year.This time it was a maternity session. We fun and it was an […]
“She’s a dreamer, a soul searcher and a wanderer. She drifts along, deep in thought her mind craving exploration and her eyes telling tales of mysterious adventures.” When I was young my parents took me and my sisters to a flower park. But it’s not the park, nor the flowers I remember. The only thing […]