Krasna si, bistra hči planin,
Brdka v prirodni si lepoti,
ko ti prozornih globočin
nevihte temne srd ne moti…
Prva spomladanska poroka. Neokrnjena narava. Zelena Soča, zeleni travniki in mogočne gore. Trdnjava Kluže in topla, majhna cerkvica Device Marije v Trenti. Ko ti med ponosnimi gorami in čisto reko, preprosto zastane dih in se čas ustavi. Bil je prekrasen dan in napolnila sem se z energijo čustev, ki mi jo je dala sobotna poroka in seveda tamkajšnja narava.
Srečno N & J! ♥
How beautiful you are, lucid daughter of the mountains,
so graceful in your natural beauty,
your diaphanous depths are not troubled by the tempests rage…
First spring wedding. Unspoiled nature. Green Soča, green meadows and mighty mountains. Fortress Kluže and warm little church of Virgin Mary in Trenta. When huge mountains and clean river just takes the breath away and the time stops. It was a wonderful day and I filled myself with the energy of Saturday’s wedding and of course the local nature.
All the best N & J! ♥
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