Zaroka | Engagement Eva & Klemen

 Love makes everything SIMPLE. :)

Nekatere stvari v življenju preprosto stečejo tako kot morajo. Brez potrebnih komplikacij, sproščeno. Samo slediš toku življenja, ki te vodi. In ko vdihneš zrak, lahko začutiš ljubezen, ki te obdaja…Bil je prekrasen, nasmejan dan v Bohinju. In Eva in Klemen sta ustvarjena drug za drugega.


Some things in life just go as they should. Without the necessary complications. Just following the flow of life that leads you. And when you breathe the air, you can feel the love that surrounds you… It was a beautiful, smiling day at the Bohinj. And Eva and Klemen are just made for each other.

Lep dan, | Have a nice day,

Družbo sta nam delali tudi Phoebe in Free… | We had also company of my Phoebe and Free.

Urška MajerAugust 21, 2013 - 11:18

Čudovite! Sploh tiste v vodi :)

BarbaraNovember 18, 2013 - 19:19

Vauuuuuuu, res lepe slike. Fotografinja je res izkoristila vsak trenutek. SUPER SLIKE :)

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