“Look at every path closely and determined.
Try it as many times as you think necessary.
Then ask yourself, only yourself and no one else…
Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good.
If it doesn’t, it has no use.”
~ Carlos Casteneda
Še vedno mislim, da je moja fotografska pot moje poslanstvo. Vodi me na kraje, o katerih sem včasih sanjala…in hkrati me vodi na kraje, ki sem se jih včasih bala. Pot, ki me uči, kako pogledati globoko v mojo DUŠO, v SRCE in me uči soočenja same s sabo. Da se soočim s tem, kaj si zares želim, o čem sanjam in da odkrijem tisto pravo pot. Pot LJUBEZNI. Včasih se še vedno spotaknem ob kamen na poti in padem. Kot mi je vedno govoril oče:
“Ni važno kolikokrat padeš, važno je da se vedno pobereš in greš naprej.”
Življenje nam ves čas daje preizkušnje, nam na pot prinaša ljudi, ki nas ljubijo, ki nas prizadanejo in ki nas učijo. Naučila sem se, da nikoli ne bom zadovoljila vseh ljudi. Vedno se bodo našli ljudje, ki bodo kritizirali… Ampak prav je tako. Njihova energija se preveč razlikuje od moje. In v življenju se moramo obkrožati z ljudmi, ki nas dvignejo, z ljudmi, ki nam pomagajo zaceliti rane in z ljudmi, ki verjamejo v nas tako močno, kot mi verjamemo v njih. In niti si vsak človek ne zasluži, da vidi tvoj pravi JAZ. Pravi ljudje bodo vedeli resnico, kljub temu, da jim jo ne boš povedal. Preprosto jo bodo ČUTILI. Zato ne zapravljajte dragocene energije z ljudmi, ki se tega ne zaslužijo. Poslušajte srce, ki vam vedno govori kaj je prav in kaj ne – to je vse kar šteje.
Včeraj sem se potepala po gozdovih z Nayeli, sestro po duši. Hvaležna. Fotografije govorijo same. Predvsem o našem stiku samega s sabo, o stiku z naravo. O tem, da si dovolimo biti TISTO KAR SMO. Da dovolimo, da luč vstopi v naša srca in da nas ni strah teme. Da smo ENO z naravo.
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I still think that my photography path is my life mission. Leading me to the places that I used to DREAM of… the places that used to scare me. It is teaching me to look deep down in my SOUL, my HEART and to face the real ME. To face what I really wish, what I dream of and to discover the path. Path of LOVE. Sometimes I still hit the big stone on the road and fall hard down on my face. It hurts. But like my father always told me:
“It’s not about how many times you fall. It’s all about standing up again.”
Life is testing us all the time, bringing us people who will love us, who will will hurt us, who will teach us. And I have learnt that I will never please everyone. There will always be people who will criticize, no matter what I do… But that is OK. Their energy is just way to different to mine. And in this life we need to surround ourselves with people who lift us up, the people who can heal our wounds and people who believe in us, as much as we believe in them. And I guess not everyone deserves to know the real YOU. The right people will know the truth and you won’t even have to tell them. They will FEEL it. So don’t waste your precious energy with responding to negative people. Just do what you feel in your heart to be right – and that is all that matters.
Had an amazing photoshooting yesterday. With my soul sister Nayeli. Grateful. Photos speak for itself. About the connection with ourselves, the connection with nature. About alowing ourselves to be WHAT WE ARE. To allow that light enters into our hearts and tat we are not affraid of darkness.