Back to the roots.

“The Love we show saves the Love we hide,
the way a sprig in sun feeds its unseen root.”

Even though I believe in living in the open, parts of me hide. I can’t help it. But what I can help is which parts of me – the open or the hidden – run my life. What I can rely on is this inexplicable knowing that when I am in the open, life nourishes even those parts so sorely hidden.

Just as green stems in spring stay connected to their darker roots, just as the roots grow when the stems do, my compassion soothes my fear where I can’t see. Unknown to me, my love feeds the underside of my confusion. The light I take in keeps the roots of my soul alive.

We become so preoccupied with what we are not able to address, what we are not able to mend, what we are not able to leave behind, that we forget that whatever we are in the light of day is slowly, but surely, healing the rest of us.

| Mark Nepo – The book of awakening |

Our journey is the path we choose. With ups and dows. It is Life.  Everything has to be in balance. After a down, there must be an up. In ups we fly. In downs we break, we grow and we rise again. In both we surrender to the force of the life. We surrender to who we want to become, to who we actually really are, from all the beginning. We go back to our roots… To nature, where we really find ourselves, where we belong.

When my life feels like a rollercoaster, shaking me up and down, giving me the challenges and lessons, I turn myself into nature.

It is the place where I find my balance, no matter how strong the storm is.

It keeps me safe and strong.

It fills me with that magic light that heals.

It heals slowly and it touches every single corner of the soul.

And it feels home.


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