“By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others…”
Why do I love photography?
Because it makes moments last.
It makes unforgettable moments.
It makes people happy when they see their photos.
And this feeling gives me the energy to be better, to do better.
I will never forget the words of my friend: “Maja, you are changing people’s lifes. And you are a great inspiration…”
This words made me think about it a lot.
By doing what you love, you never fail.
Spread the love everywhere you go. let no one ever come to you without leaving HAPPIER…
Keep smiling,
Nepozaben dan na Veliki planini in fantastične fotke, ki me bodo celo življenje spominjale na čudovito obdobje moje prve nosečnosti :) Hvala Maja, da si ujela te neprecenljive trenutke, ko je Ajda bila še Micka ;)