Mommy to be – Tamara.

“Sreča ni v glavi in ne v daljavi,
ne pod palcem skrit zaklad.
Sreča je, ko se delo dobro opravi.
In ko imaš nekoga rad.”

Trenutki s Tamaro in Tio so vedno nasmejani. Ko je zraven njun Grega pa se smeh še podvoji. :)  Doza smeha je bila neizmerna in da ne govorim kako super je bil fotošuting. Ko se prepustiš toku življenja in kreiraš vsak trenutek sproti…tako kot pač mora biti. Takrat je to vedno tisto pravo. Četudi ni šlo vse po planu: lokacija kjer bi se morali fotografirati je bila poplavljena, lovili smo zadnje sončne žarke, skoraj obtičali z avtom v blatu – vendar vse je bilo točno tako kot je moralo biti – in s smehom in pozitivno energijo smo se imeli nepozabno. :) …več pa povedo fotografije. :)

Lep vikend,


“Happiness is not in the head and not in the distance,
not under the thumb hidden treasure.
Happiness is when the work is well done.
And when you love someone. “

Moments with Tamara and Tia are always full of smiling. When there is their Grega, all the happiness just doubles.  :)  Dose of laughter was immense and not to mention how great the photoshooting was. When you go with the flow of life and you just create every moment as it comes… just as it should be. At that moment that is always the right thing. Although everything didn’t go as it was planned: the location of photoshooting was under water, we are chasing the last sun rays and almost got stuck with car in the mud – but everything was exactly as it should be – and with laughter and positive energy we had unforgettable time. :) … photos will tell more. :)

Have a nice weekend,

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