Love is happy and has no worries. It is lifted above the first glimpses of falling in love. It means growing. And the word “me” is losing its meaning and it’s changing to “us”. Love is an active process of accepting each other. Just as we are. And only love can do this. Accepting each […]
Tag Archives: fotografiranje v naravi
”Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, please and pain. Just remember, there is never a cloud that the Sun wouldn’t shine through. . .” It started with 5.30 in the morning when it was still dark, continued with a rainy, foggy morning… and with sun in the afternoon. And the […]
Vedno sem svoja čustva najbolje izražala preko fotografije. Vendar zadnji mesec, v mesecu decembru, ki je preprosto nabit s čustvi, veliko premišljujem o sebi, o moji poti, o vsem kar se mi je zgodilo v letu, ki odhaja. Ob koncu leta, je čas za pogled nazaj, hkrati pa tudi čas za pogled naprej, in predvsem […]
Love makes everything SIMPLE. :) Nekatere stvari v življenju preprosto stečejo tako kot morajo. Brez potrebnih komplikacij, sproščeno. Samo slediš toku življenja, ki te vodi. In ko vdihneš zrak, lahko začutiš ljubezen, ki te obdaja…Bil je prekrasen, nasmejan dan v Bohinju. In Eva in Klemen sta ustvarjena drug za drugega. |english| Some things in life […]