Every day I remember myself how lucky I am. To do what I love. And to love what I do. I really enjoy taking photos, sometimes it can be hard (like working 20 hours on a wedding day), it means being busy (the selection of photos, the editing) …but when I see people’s reaction to […]
Tag Archives: happy
“By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others…” Why do I love photography? Because it makes moments last. It makes unforgettable moments. It makes people happy when they see their photos. And this feeling gives me the energy to be better, to do better. I will never forget the words […]
V zadnjem času se dogaja ogromno stvari. Dogodki oziroma izkušnje, ki spreminjajo življenje. In spreminjajo mene… mojo družino… moj vidik na življenje. Vedno znova. In vse te “težke” stvari, ki se dogajajo, se vedno zgodijo z razlogom, kot vedno pravim. Čeprav je včasih tako težko razumeti. Toda včasih je bolje, da jih niti ne poskušaš […]