Got this beautiful photobook today. And sharing some photos of this amazing wedding day. Just in my style. Nature, dogs and happy faces. :) Teja and Luka were in company of their border collies Fly and Lin. They took them wherever they go, so they were there also on their wedding day – of course. […]
Tag Archives: poročni detajli
“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.” We first met 3 years ago, in 2013 on their engagement and wedding photo session… and I was really looking to meet again this year.This time it was a maternity session. We fun and it was an […]
”Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, please and pain. Just remember, there is never a cloud that the Sun wouldn’t shine through. . .” It started with 5.30 in the morning when it was still dark, continued with a rainy, foggy morning… and with sun in the afternoon. And the […]
“Majo sem po srečnem naključju našla na Facebooku, ko sem iskala poročnega fotografa. Že prvi stik je bil zelo pozitiven in sem vedela da je zelo simpatična punca. In se nisem motila… Z njo je super delati, zna te usmerjati, nasmejati in predvsem poskrbi za sproščeno vzdušje. Njeno delo ni šablonsko in se ne drži “preverjenega”, ampak […]
“Tvoje fotografije izražajo preprosto srečo in spontane nasmehe. Takšen poročni dan si vsakdo želi in zdelo se nama je, da k temu v veliki meri prispeva tudi fotograf. Zaupala sva svojemu občutku in izbrala tebe. Do zadnjega dne seveda nisva bila čisto prepričana, da je bila odločitev prava. Poleg tega pa je bil za najin […]
Love makes everything SIMPLE. :) Nekatere stvari v življenju preprosto stečejo tako kot morajo. Brez potrebnih komplikacij, sproščeno. Samo slediš toku življenja, ki te vodi. In ko vdihneš zrak, lahko začutiš ljubezen, ki te obdaja…Bil je prekrasen, nasmejan dan v Bohinju. In Eva in Klemen sta ustvarjena drug za drugega. |english| Some things in life […]